Coast Family Dental

Porcelain Veneers vs Composite Veneers

After years of dealing with stains and cosmetic issues, it’s time to get your teeth looking new again. That’s why some patients chose veneers to restore their appearance. So, what’s the difference between porcelain veneers and composite veneers? Here are the advantages and disadvantages of both. Porcelain Veneers – Advantages and Disadvantages Dentists typically favour…

Coast Family Dental

What Is A Crown?

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps made to fit on top of damaged natural teeth. Unlike your regular fillings, crowns have more substantial materials that can last a lifetime. At Coast Family Dental, we use them to restore your bite, improve your smile, and protect your teeth from further damage. Do You Need a Crown for…

Coast Family Dental

3 Great Reasons For Teeth Whitening

Substances like coffee, tea, red wine, and nicotine can stain your teeth. Teeth whitening counteracts the staining effects of these substances. If you’re thinking about whitening your teeth, there will be many benefits you’re aware of. But what about the less obvious advantages you’ll get from the procedure? Better Oral Health When dental stains are…

Coast Family Dental

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening Looking for a treatment that promotes dental health, enhances any smile and boosts confidence? Teeth Whitening is a popular method in achieving these goals. Discolouration of teeth is very common and can occur for many reasons including consumption of coffee or smoking. Teeth Whitening is a simple and safe treatment that improves the…