How Dental Health Impacts You

Many people aren’t aware of all the effects of poor oral health. If you’re wondering how dental health impacts you, keep reading. Oral health problems can have severe consequences for both mind and body. Coast Family Dental is passionate about providing effective dental care and seeks to educate you so you can enjoy a better…

Foods for Healthy Teeth

A well-balanced diet is essential for maintaining a healthy weight and building strong bones and muscles. Did you also know that the foods you eat directly impact your teeth? Discover some of the best foods for healthy teeth and make them part of your diet for optimum dental health. Dairy Foods Consuming dairy products like…

What Are Dental X-Rays?

You might think that an X-ray is only necessary when you suspect a broken arm or leg, rather than being a part of your regular dental checkups. Dental X-rays, also called radiographs, help dentists monitor your teeth and protect you from various diseases or infections. What are dental X-rays, and what can you expect when…

Why You Shouldn’t Skip Your Dental Checkup

Many people feel anxious about going to the dentist and would rather skip the whole experience. However, avoiding these visits can have major consequences when it comes to your dental and overall health. Learn why you should not skip your dental checkup in this informative guide. Dentists Screen for Diseases You could be at risk…

How To Look After Your Dental Filling

A dental filling helps protect your tooth from further damage after decay causes a cavity or you suffer some sort of trauma to the tooth. If you receive a filling after damaging your tooth, dentists urge you to take steps to prevent further damage. In this guide, we’ll explain how to look after your dental…

Overcoming Dental Anxiety

Fear of the dentist is common, but when it keeps you from good oral health, it becomes a problem. If you want to help overcoming dental anxiety, keep reading.   Coast Family Dental wants every person to have great teeth. Whether you’ve had a bad experience or have generalised anxiety, we can help overcome your dental…

Wisdom Tooth Recovery

Everyone has seen hilarious videos of patients recovering from anaesthesia after getting wisdom teeth removed. Despite these funny moments, the wisdom tooth recovery process is something to take seriously in order to protect your health. Wisdom tooth extractions can be slightly difficult procedures, depending on complications that arise. Your dentist will prepare you ahead of…

How Often To Replace Your Toothbrush

From a young age, you may start brushing your teeth at least twice a day. Indeed, this practice is necessary to maintain oral hygiene. However, it’s equally important to know when to replace your toothbrush. Many people don’t realise that a dirty or worn-out toothbrush can actually damage your teeth. Frayed bristles and harsh brushing…